Marc's Notes

Obsidian Raycast Extension - Update 1.4 and 1.5

Check out the new look of the Search Note command


Since my last post version 1.4 and 1.5 for my Obsidian Raycast Extension have been released. Here are all of the new features:

Daily Note command

The new Daily Note command allows users to quickly open or create a daily note. Just select a vault, press enter and start typing. It uses the Advanced URI plugin for Obsidian which is required to run the command.

Pinned Notes command

Use the Pinned Notes command to show a list of all of your pinned notes. You can use the same actions as with the Search Note command. This makes it easy to quickly open, edit or view an important note.

New actions and new look for Search Note command


With the Append Selected Text to Note action you are now able to quickly append selected text to a note. Use the keyboard shortcut opt + s to trigger it.

You can now pin and unpin notes using the Pin Note and Unpin Note actions. Pinned notes will appear in the Pinned Notes command.

New Look

Enabeling Detail View in preferences will show the content of a note on the right side.

Search Note

New Preferences

Append Prefix

Append Prefix is a new preference that you can set so that text will be appended with a given prefix in front of it. This makes it really easy to maintain bullet or checkbox lists.

Open Note on Creation

If turned on this setting will open a note created with the Create Note command immediatly after creation.

Hide LaTeX

You can now hide LaTeX from Quick Look, Detail View and all copy/paste commands.

Default Note Name

If the note name in the Create Note command is left empty, this default note name will be used.

Folder Actions

You can now provide a list of folders (paths) to the Create Note command. These folders will automatically create keyboard shortcuts (actions) to quickly create notes in a specific folder. This is especially helpful if you are using Obsidians Templater Plugin.

Store page update

The store page got a new look with images, category and version history.

Store Images Store Changelog


Commands with only one vault will now trigger immediatly without prior vault selection.

Feature Requests

If you know of a feature that's still missing or want to contribute otherwise, make sure to visit the projects GitHub repo. With these two updates the entire codebase has been restructured which should make it a lot easier to contribute.